Meet the Surfskate Love Team Riders

Ace Allan

Ace Allan

An avid surfer since his early 20s, in 2004 Ace was scouring the Internet looking for ways to improve his surfing. He stumbled across the Carver C7 and immediately bought one.

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Unfortunately, at the time there wasn’t any content on using surfskates as surf trainers. So he used it infrequently and mostly for cruising with friends or for bombing hills.

Then, during COVID-19 lockdowns, he started building surfskates for him and his wife to start practicing surfing together.

Ace says,

“I love surfskating because it allows me to practice my surf technique when I’m unable to surf. We don’t always get good waves and sometimes I’m unable to surf due to family obligations, time constraints, or pollution. My riding style emulates my surfing preference. I like riding high performance shortboards and enjoy their speed, snaps, and tight carving.”

Ace is a hypnotherapist and often works with clients on sports performance. He loves surfing with his family as much as possible.

Ce'es Yuzon

Ce'es Yuzon

Ce’es shreds the streets of San Francisco like a bat out of hell. Old ladies scream when they see him flying towards them with fire blazing from his wheels. Young ladies swoon and try to touch him as he passes.

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Ce’es discovered surfskating by cruising with his dad on skateboards one day and they came across another father and son on surfskates. After trying out them out, Ce’es couldn’t stop thinking about getting a surfskate of his own.

It wasn’t long before he purchased his first one. Ever since, he’s been shredding the streets of San Francisco and inspiring surfskaters all over the world with his imcomparable skills and style.

Ce’es says,

“I love surfskating because it’s a way to express yourself and feel in tune with the present moment, especially when bombing down hills. Surfskating is really inspiring and it brings me joy to know that people are inspired by me and want to experience the unexplainable feeling surfskating gives.”

When he’s not surfskating, you’ll find Ce’es strumming his guitar or playing the drums, praising Almighty with friends and family.

David Kemppinen

David Kemppinen

David started skateboarding at the age of 10 in late 1999, shortly after Tony Hawk did the 900 and his video game was released. David was instantly hooked and has been skateboarding ever since. He has ripped miniramps, bowls, and backyard pools, while also saving room for jumping on handrails and ledges.

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In October 2023, David was searching for a new style of skating because skateboarding was getting tougher and feeling hard on his knees. He searched the Internet for “skateboards for carving” and found the Surfskate Love website. From his research on the site, he quickly bought a YOW Meraki and Carver CX. He instantly fell in love and has been doing all of his skateboarding on surfskates ever since.

In his own words, he explains that he loves it because,

“It’s easier on my 34-year-old body. I’m not 16 anymore. For me, the fun on a surfskate comes from the combination of familiar skateboard tricks I can do consistently with the unique fun flow that a surfskate provides.”

David makes his living as a Registered Nurse. When he’s not working or skating, you’ll find him spending time with his wife and children where, together, they enjoy riding bicycles and outdoor rock climbing in Tucson, Arizona.

Gabe Frager

Gabe Frager

Gabe started skateboarding at the age of 12 when his family bought him a skateboard. He idolized Tony Hawk, Rodney Mullen, Mike Vallely, and others. He and his friends spent hours skating parks, stairs, and anything else they could find.

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At the age of 24, he started surfing. About a year later, a friend showed Gabe his Carver surfskate. Intrigued, Gabe purchased a Waterborne surf adapter and threw it on a Globe cruiser. He got hooked and has been surfskating ever since.

Gabe says,

“I love surfskating because it’s a creative way to express myself, and it gives me the feeling of surfing when I can’t get in the water. I also love being able to use my surfskate for transportation. The cruiser wheels and carving ability make cruising so much better than on a skateboard or longboard.”

Gabe draws influence from a lot of riders and styles to create his own unique and versatile style.

When Gabe isn’t working or skating, you’ll find him surfing, bodyboarding, playing old school computer games, or playing the classical guitar.

In his freshman year of high school, Gabe starred as Charlie in the play Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. While his acting days are over, his surfskating has just begun…

Joey Daley

Joey Daley

Joey started skateboarding at the age of 5. But when he was 18, his friend Pedro changed his life by setting him up with a Gravity longboard deck and an old pair of Carver C7s. A whole new world of skating possibilities was opened to him.

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Joey recalls,

“The lines I could draw on a surfskate reminded me of being a kid and holding my hands out the car window while driving up to the mountains, using the wind to create lines in my head with a little finger character.”

In 2016, his uncle bought him his surfskate after hearing Joey talk about how fun Pedro’s was. Since then, Joey has never been a day without one.

For Joey, surfskating is a therapeutic escape, an outlet for self-expression, the feeling of freedom. As he explains,

“I love surfskating because of the pure creation and energy you can utilize and show. Being on a surfskate, jamming music to myself, and being in that moment as it happens is when I feel completely free.”

As an avid skater, surfer, and snowboarder as well, Joey’s style is loose, free, and eclectic, mixing techniques from all these board sports into one creative flow. He loves experimenting with different styles and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible on a surfskate.

When Joey isn’t working or expressing himself on a surfskate, you’ll find him playing video games or playing in the ocean or up in the mountains as much as possible.

Joey’s global fans were disappointed to see him cut his 9-year dreadlocks, but we all love to see the joy on his face as he shreds.

Laura McGorray

Laura McGorray

As a Pediatric Doctor of Physical Therapy, Dr. Laura got into longboarding in 2020 when COVID-19 gave her a lot of free time. She soon discovered the Surfskate Love YouTube channel, which she started binge-watching to learn the basics of riding and how to choose her first surfskate.

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Not long after discovering Surfskate Love on Youtube, Laura randomly met Steve at the pump track in San Diego, California.

Just after that, in August of 2021, Laura bought her first Carver at Status Skateshop in Carlsbad, California.

She says,

“The biggest reason I wanted to learn surfskating was so I could pump instead of needing to push. I quickly learned how freeing and dance-like surfskating is, and fell in love. A day at the pump track with my music blasting and my surfskate is like a dance party on endless waves.”

Living near the beach in San Diego allows Laura to spend a lot of time surfskating barefoot along the ocean boardwalks.

When she’s not doctoring or skating, Laura is creating music or surfing. A singer songwriter, you can find her on all music platforms under “Laura McGorray.”

Leopold Pomier

Leopold Pomier

A native of Montpellier, France, Leopold discovered surfskating through a friend almost a decade ago. He immediately fell in love with the sensation of gliding across asphalt, as well as the spirit and community aspect of surfskating.

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Leopold started surfing a couple years before getting into surfskating. But since he can’t get out as often as he’d like, he surfs the streets of Montpellier on his Waterborne surfskate.

He’s also a surfskate instructor, as well as a Sk8therapy ambassador.

When Leopold isn’t surfskating, you’ll find him drawing or painting, listening to music, and spending time with family and friends.