Start Surfskate Pumping Quickly with this 4-Word Technique

Are you a beginner struggling to get your surfskate pumping? Try this four-word technique to start surfskate pumping easily within minutes.
I see a lot of surfskate beginners on Instagram and Facebook trying to learn surfskate pumping. And I see a lot of upper body movements that don’t translate into the lower body. This means that their bodies move a lot, but their board doesn’t move much at all. Everything is uncoordinated.
This four-word surfskate pumping technique I’m going to give you is going to solve that problem and get you moving immediately on a surfskate and do what I call “fall into the flow” of surfskate pumping.
And if you find this technique helpful, then I invite you to go check out my full video course for beginners, “Surfskating for Non-Surfers.” The course gives you hours of video instruction with me teaching eight students live. It covers foot placement, stance, posture, how to pump, how to turn, and how to stop.
4 Words to Start Surfskate Pumping Easily
The four simple words are, “heel down, toe up.” Let me explain.
Instead of trying to start surfskate pumping by using upper body movements, you want to start from your feet and ankles and then move up your body.
So this “heel down, toe up” technique really just has to do with your ankles and your knees. And all we’re doing is coordinating the ankles and the knees to get the timing and the coordination of surfskate pumping so that then you can get moving.
Then, once you’re moving on the board in that flow, then you can integrate upper body into your surfskate pumping, and it’s very easy to do so. But you first have to just get moving on the surfskate.
So step onto your surfskate in the proper foot placement.
Now we start integrating knee bends with our ankle movements. When your heels are pushing down, you want your knees to bend. When your toes are pushing down, you want to stand up. Heels push, knees bend. Toes push, stand up.
It’s that simple!
Now you’re surfskate pumping using basically nothing but your ankles and knees. Once you’re moving with ankles and knees it becomes easy to integrate your hips, shoulders, and arm into your surfskate pump.
But surfskate pumping all starts in your ankles and knees. Push your heel down while bending your knees. Stand up and push your toes down. Bend your knees and push your heels down. Stan up and push your toes down. Heel down, toe up, heel down, toe up.
For more in-depth instruction on surfskate pumping, check out my video course, “Surfskating for Non-Surfers.”