Waterborne Gemini Carbon Surfskate Review

Waterborne Gemini Carbon Surfskate Review

Waterborne Gemini Carbon Surfskate Review The Waterborne Gemini surfskate is one of the most unique surfskates on the market. It’s made entirely of carbon, 39″ long, and has tons of flex. In this review, I’ll break down the Waterborne Gemini for you...
Hamboards Review: Are They Truly Surfskates?

Hamboards Review: Are They Truly Surfskates?

Hamboards Review: Are They Truly Surfskates? Hamboards are very unique longboards designed for cross-stepping practice and stand-up paddling. Hamboards calls their boards surfskates, but I believe they’re in a category all their own. Is a Hamboards for you? Find out...
SpiceSkate Okto Review: Is It Worth the Price?

SpiceSkate Okto Review: Is It Worth the Price?

SpiceSkate Okto Review: Is It Worth the Price? The SpiceSkate Okto is one of the most complicated and sophisticated surfskate trucks on the market. And at a price of either $459 or $489, it is also one of the most expensive. But is it worth it? That’s the question...