Surfskating Blog

Long Island Genesis Lean Surfskates Review

Long Island Genesis Lean Surfskates Review

The Long Island Genesis Lean surfskate truck is one of the newest to enter the market. It looks and feels similar to the YOW Meraki, but it uses bushings instead of a spring. In fact, Long Island and YOW are owned by the same parent company, HLC. As Long Island...

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SpiceSkate OKTOSURF Surfskates Review

SpiceSkate OKTOSURF Surfskates Review

The SpiceSkate OKTOSURF surfskate truck is version 2 of their original OKTO. SpiceSkate has made some improvements and have fixed the main issues I have with the OKTO. But at a price of $239 for the truck system and $519 for a complete model, is it worth it? I’ll try...

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Grasp Surfskate Trucks Review: Better Than Carver CX?

Grasp Surfskate Trucks Review: Better Than Carver CX?

The Grasp surfskate truck from South Korea is one of the newest additions to the market. Like the Carver CX, it is a reverse kingpin bushing-based design. Mechanically, it functions exactly like the Carver CX. But it has some key differences that set it apart. In this...

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Do Gullwing Sidewinders Work as Surfskate Trucks?

Do Gullwing Sidewinders Work as Surfskate Trucks?

Gullwing Sidewinder longboard trucks have a unique design that enables deep lean. This raises the question, can they function as surfskate trucks? Here’s my experience and thoughts on how well Gullwing Sidewinder trucks work for surfskating.Watch My Gullwing...

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Carver Ghostnet Surfskate Review

Carver Ghostnet Surfskate Review

The Carver Ghostnet is intruiging for its innovative material and shape. The deck is made from Nylon 6 using recycled fish nets. It offers a unique riding experience that rivals traditional wooden boards. In this review, I’ll detail the construction, design, and...

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Carver C5 Surfskate Truck Breakdown & Modifications

Carver C5 Surfskate Truck Breakdown & Modifications

The Carver C5 was designed as a hybrid between a traditional skateboard truck and a surfskate truck. It has more range of motion than traditional kingpin trucks, but less range of motion than typical surfskate trucks. It’s intended for skateboarders who want a...

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Detailed Tips for Assembling Custom Surfskates

Detailed Tips for Assembling Custom Surfskates

Over the past few years, I’ve assembled hundreds of custom surfskates. In the process, I've learned tons of tiny details and nuances that can make a big difference. There are a lot of mistakes you can make along the way that can really screw up your setup. If you want...

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Surfskate Love Wheels Now Available in Greece at RideOn Shop

Surfskate Love Wheels Now Available in Greece at RideOn Shop

I’m thrilled to announce my newest wheel distributor, RideOn Shop in Athens, Greece. So if you’re a surfskater in Greece, you can now try Surfskate Love wheels without paying customs fees! RideOnShop was founded by Costas Korakakis, a passionate action sports...

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Waterborne Gemini Carbon Surfskate Review

Waterborne Gemini Carbon Surfskate Review

The Waterborne Gemini surfskate is one of the most unique surfskates on the market. It's made entirely of carbon, 39" long, and has tons of flex. In this review, I'll break down the Waterborne Gemini for you and explain why I like it.Some of the links in this article...

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How to Build a Crazy Longboard Surfskate (50” or Longer)

How to Build a Crazy Longboard Surfskate (50” or Longer)

If you've never ridden an longboard surfskate over 50" long, you're in for a treat. I got into longboard surfskates when a friend showed me his old 57" Envy Classic longboard. I threw a Waterborne surf adapter on it and I immediately fell in love. I got so hooked that...

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Abian Surfskates Review: Smoothstar Feel with Legacy Decks

Abian Surfskates Review: Smoothstar Feel with Legacy Decks

Abian surfskates are headquartered in the Basque country of Spain, actually just a few kilometers from YOW headquarters. The owners, Xaxio and Arri, remind me a lot of Draho and Eva at Soulboardiy. Xaxio is a master craftsman and they put a lot of love into all of...

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Advanced Tips for Using the Waterborne Surf and Rail Adapters

Advanced Tips for Using the Waterborne Surf and Rail Adapters

I have been working a lot with the Waterborne surf and rail adapters lately. In the process, I've both gained a real appreciation for them, as well as learned a lot of little details and nuances for working with them. So in this guide, I'll share what I've learned to...

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Surfskate Bowl Riding Tutorial: Mastering Frontside Turns

Surfskate Bowl Riding Tutorial: Mastering Frontside Turns

In surfing terms, a backside turn means your back is to the wave as you make the turn. A frontside turn means your chest is facing the wave as you make the turn. And as I’ve been learning surfskate bowl riding, I’ve had a much harder time with frontside turns than...

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Four Tips for Tighter Surfskate Carving

Four Tips for Tighter Surfskate Carving

The tighter you can carve on your surfskate the more fun you're going to have. So in this tutorial, I'll give you four quick tips for getting tighter carves on your surfskate.Watch My Surfskate Carving Tutorial on YouTubeTip #1: Start with the Proper Foot Placement...

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How to Build a Custom Surfskate: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Build a Custom Surfskate: A Comprehensive Guide

Building your own custom surfskate is a big part of the fun of surfskating. In this guide, you'll learn everything you need to know to create any type of custom surfskate. You'll also learn how to optimize the performance of your custom surfskate with upgrades. To...

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Surfskate Love Wheels Now Available in Sweden at Icewaves

Surfskate Love Wheels Now Available in Sweden at Icewaves

I’m thrilled to announce my newest wheel distributor, Icewaves in Stockholm, Sweden. So if you’re a surfskater in Sweden, you can now try Surfskate Love wheels without paying customs fees! Icewaves was founded by Tom Söderlund, a passionate surfskater in Sweden. Tom's...

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Should You Choose the Carver C5, C7, or CX?

Should You Choose the Carver C5, C7, or CX?

So you’re trying to choose your first Carver surfskate and you want to know if you should choose choose the C5, CX, or C7 surfskate truck. Whether you're a surfer a non-surfer, in this guide I’ll give you as much information as possible to help you decide. For more...

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Abian Surfskates Review: Smoothstar Feel with Legacy Decks

Learn Proper Surfskate Pumping Form on a Wave Bank

Watch My Surfskate Pumping Tutorial on YouTubeIf you’re a non-surfer like me, it can be hard to learn proper surfskate pumping form. We haven’t been in the water, so we don’t know what it’s supposed to feel like. One thing that makes it hard is that, when we're...

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Hamboards Review: Are They Truly Surfskates?

Hamboards Review: Are They Truly Surfskates?

Hamboards are very unique longboards designed for cross-stepping practice and stand-up paddling. Hamboards calls their boards surfskates, but I believe they’re in a category all their own. Is a Hamboards for you? Find out in this review. If you’re trying to find the...

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Carver C5, YOW Legasee, & Solride Surfskate Trucks Compared

Carver C5, YOW Legasee, & Solride Surfskate Trucks Compared

People often ask how the YOW Legasee surf cruisers and Solride surfskates compare to the Carver CX surfskate truck. But they compare less to the Carver CX and more to the Carver C5. I put all three of these in the same category as transition or hybrid surfskates for...

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SwellTech Surfskate Review: Is It the Best Surf Trainer?

SwellTech Surfskate Review: Is It the Best Surf Trainer?

The SwellTech surfskate system is one of the most complex, and the only surfskate truck with a full 360-degree rotation. Although opinions on SwellTech vary widely, many surfers claim it to be the best pure surf trainer. But is a SwellTech surfskate for you? I’ll try...

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SpiceSkate OKTO Surfskate Truck Review: Is It Worth the Price?

SpiceSkate OKTO Surfskate Truck Review: Is It Worth the Price?

The SpiceSkate OKTO is one of the most complicated and sophisticated surfskate trucks on the market. And at a price of either $459 or $489, it is also one of the most expensive. But is it worth it? That’s the question I’ll try to answer for you in this review. If...

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Surfskate Tutorial for Beginners: What To Do With Your Arms

Surfskate Tutorial for Beginners: What To Do With Your Arms

Watch My Surfskate Tutorial for Arms on YouTubeIn this surfskate tutorial for beginners, I’ll give you some pointers on what to do with your arms when surfskating. If you find this surfskate tutorial helpful, I invite you to check out my full surfskating video course...

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YOW Surfskate Bushings Guide

YOW Surfskate Bushings Guide

Watch My YOW Surfskate Bushing Guide on YouTubeOne of the most common maintenance issues with YOW surfskates is that their bushings can deform and get damaged relatively easily. In this YOW surfskate bushings guide, I’ll give you everything you need to know to...

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How to Install the Waterborne Surf Adapter and Rail Adapter

How to Install the Waterborne Surf Adapter and Rail Adapter

Some of the links in this article are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and make a purchase, I will receive a small affiliate commission at no cost to you.Watch How to Install the Waterborne Surf Adapter on YouTubeThe Waterborne Surf Adapter is a...

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Surfskate Pumping Tutorial for Beginners

Surfskate Pumping Tutorial for Beginners

Watch My Surfskate Pumping Tutorial on YouTubeIn this surfskate pumping tutorial I’ll teach you a few individual techniques, and then we’ll put them all together at the end. For more detailed instructions and tips, check out my surfskating video course for beginners....

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Soulboardiy Surfskate Decks Review

Soulboardiy Surfskate Decks Review

Watch Me Review and Ride the Soulboardiy on YouTubeIn the tiny little village of Sucha nad Parnou, Slovakia, not too far from Vienna, Austria, live a master craftsman and artist, Draho and Eva Rozic. They're the owners of Soulboardiy and the makers of what I believe...

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How to Generate Speed on a Surfskate

How to Generate Speed on a Surfskate

Watch How to Generate Speed on a Surfskate on YouTubeIf you're beginner surfskater struggling to learn how to pump and generate speed on a surfskate, then this surfskate tutorial will help. *Disclaimer: The techniques I teach are not necessarily proper surfing form....

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How to Stop Surfskate Pivot Cup Squeaks

How to Stop Surfskate Pivot Cup Squeaks

Watch How to Stop Surfskate Pivot Cup Squeaking on YouTubeI've tested more than 70 surfskates to date, and most of them had a pivot cup squeak right out of the box. I've made a few videos in the past teaching you how to get rid of those pivot cup squeaks by using...

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Waterborne FIN System Review: A Versatile Surf Adapter

Waterborne FIN System Review: A Versatile Surf Adapter

The Waterborne FIN system allows you to change the setting on your Waterborne surf adapter. By changing the settings, you can either carve more tightly or pump more efficiently. Read this review to see if the Waterborne FIN system is for you. If you’re trying to find...

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OVNI Surfskates Review: Orion, Sirius, & Andromeda Trucks

OVNI Surfskates Review: Orion, Sirius, & Andromeda Trucks

OVNI surfskates are a brand from Brazil that offers three different surf training surfskate trucks for surfers. They claim that OVNI surfskates are "absolutely revolutionary" and "light years ahead." But are those claims true? Find out in this OVNI surfskate review....

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Surfskate Love Wheels Available in Singapore at 418 Skate Shop

Surfskate Love Wheels Available in Singapore at 418 Skate Shop

418 Skate Shop in Singapore was founded by long-time skate friends Gary and Barry in December 2012. Their mission is to: "...spread the stoke of skateboarding and provide a space where skaters can hang out, learn about new products, make friends, and be immersed in...

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How to Replace Your Waterborne Surf Adapter Bushing

How to Replace Your Waterborne Surf Adapter Bushing

You can replace your Waterborne Surf Adapter bushing with a RipTide bushing to get more range of motion and rebound. Learn how to do it in this Waterborne Surf Adapter replacement tutorial.Watch How to Replace Your Waterborne Surf Adapter Bushing on YouTubeOne of the...

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Z-Flex Surfskate with Waterborne Surf Adapter Review

Z-Flex Surfskate with Waterborne Surf Adapter Review

Considering a Z-Flex surfskate? Let me do my best to help you make the decision. Z-Flex is an old school skateboard brand that has been around since 1975. They partnered with Waterborne to make surfskates using a Waterborne surf adapter on front. Z-Flex surfskates...

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New Surfskate Love Wheel Distributor in France

New Surfskate Love Wheel Distributor in France

If you live in France and you want to buy Surfskate Love surfskate wheels without paying customs fees, you're in luck! Outside Skate Shop in Le Tholonet, France is the newest Surfskate Love wheels distributor. They are one of the largest skate shops in Europe and the...

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Wheel Bearings Guide for Surfskating

Wheel Bearings Guide for Surfskating

In addition to testing all the stock wheel bearings from all the top surfskate companies, I have been testing 22 sets of aftermarket bearings since January of 2022. In this wheel bearings guide for surfskating I will share what I have learned to help you answer the...

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Aquilo Surfskate Review and Comparisons

Aquilo Surfskate Review and Comparisons

Based in Bangkok, Thailand, the Aquilo surfskate is one of the newest brands on the market. The Aquilo surfskate truck uses two compression springs to create an extremely smooth and fluid surfskate feel. In this Aquilo surfskate review, I’ll walk you through...

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Curfboard Surfskate Review and Buyer’s Guide

Curfboard Surfskate Review and Buyer’s Guide

The Curfboard is one of the most unique surfskate truck designs. Instead of using bushings or springs, it uses dual swiveling hinges. This makes for an extremely loose, fluid feel. Read this review to see if the Curfboard is right for you.

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Waterborne Surf Adapter and Rail Adapter Review

Waterborne Surf Adapter and Rail Adapter Review

The Waterborne surf adapter and rail adapter allow you to turn any skateboard or longboard into a surfskate. The front surfskate adapter gives you the ability to pump and carve tightly. The rear rail adapter gives you extra lean to hug the ground during tight carves....

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SpiceSkate Surfskate Review & Buyer’s Guide

SpiceSkate Surfskate Review & Buyer’s Guide

SpiceSkate is one of the newest surfskate brands. They offer 3 different surfskate trucks (SpicePilot, SpicePilot TypeX, and Okto) and 9 models. Read this review to see if a SpiceSkate surfskate is best for you.

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Carver Skateboards Review & Buyer’s Guide

Carver Skateboards Review & Buyer’s Guide

Carver Skateboards is the original surfskate brand, founded by Neil Stratton and Greg Falk in Venice Beach, California in 1996. Carver offers three surfskate trucks: the C7, CX, and C5. I've owned and tested the following Carver skateboards models: 36.5" Tyler 777...

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The Best & Worst Surfskates on Amazon

The Best & Worst Surfskates on Amazon

With surfskating on the rise globally, you can find dozens of surfskates on Amazon. So how can you know which ones you can trust? Find out in this guide to Amazon surfskates. The Good Surfskates on Amazon The Okay Surfskates on Amazon The Bad Surfskates on Amazon The...

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YOW Surfskate Size Chart

YOW Surfskate Size Chart

There are 34 YOW surfskate models, ranging from 29" to 41" in length and 16.5" to 27" in wheelbase. This YOW surfskate size chart will save you time, money, and hassle and help you choose the right YOW surfskate model for you.YOW Surfskate Size Chart Topics   Why...

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Surfskate vs. Skateboard: Which is Better?

Surfskate vs. Skateboard: Which is Better?

When comparing surfskates to skateboards, it’s not which is better. It’s just about the feel you’re looking for—and you might love both! Let’s analyze the difference between surfskates and skateboards to see if surfskating is for you.

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Surfskate Wheels Guide: How to Choose the Best for You

Surfskate Wheels Guide: How to Choose the Best for You

In this surfskate wheels guide, you'll learn how to choose the best surfskate wheels for you.Surfskate Wheels Guide Topics   Wheel Attributes to Consider When Choosing Surfskate Wheels Diameter Durometer Contact Patch Wheel Surface Wheel Edge/Lip Profile Core...

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Whats the Best Surfskate Cruiser for You?

Whats the Best Surfskate Cruiser for You?

Looking for a good surfskate cruiser? Here are the best cruiser surfskates from the top surfskate brands, including Carver, YOW, Smoothstar, SwellTech, Slide, Waterborne, Curfboard, and SpiceSkate.Surfskate Cruiser Review Topics   What Defines a “Surfskate...

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Surfskate Beginner Basics: Tune Your Surfskate & Stay Safe

Surfskate Beginner Basics: Tune Your Surfskate & Stay Safe

If you're a surfskate beginner, learn from my mistakes and experience. Use these tips for surfskate beginners to keep your board running smooth and your bones in one piece.Watch My Surfskate Beginner Basics on YouTubeSurfskate Beginner Tips Quick Links   Tip #1:...

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Surfskate Tutorials Video Course for Beginners

Surfskate Tutorials Video Course for Beginners

Are you a non-surfer beginner looking for surfskate tutorials to learn how to surfskate? My video course, "Surfskating for Non-Surfers," gives you hours of live surfskate tutorials.Learn About "Surfskating for Non-Surfers" on YouTubeWhen I first started surfskating, I...

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Smoothstar Surfskate Review and Buyer’s Guide

Smoothstar Surfskate Review and Buyer’s Guide

Considering a Smoothstar surfskate for your quiver? Let me do my best to help you decide if a Smoothstar surfskate is right for you. Smoothstar is one of the most popular surfskate brands, and the Smoothstar Thruster is consistently ranked as one of the best surfskate...

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5 Surfskate Tips for Staying Safe

5 Surfskate Tips for Staying Safe

Although surfskating can be among the safest board sports, it always comes with inherent risk. Use these five surfskate tips to stay safe on your surfskate.

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YOW Surfskate Size Chart

YOW Surfskate Review, Comparisons, and Buyer’s Guide

YOW is one of the most popular surfskate companies, and the YOW Meraki surfskate truck is among the highest-performing, most universal surfskate trucks. I've owned and tested the following YOW surfskate models: 34" Padang Padang 34" Teahupoo 34.5" Pukas Dark 35" La...

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How to Maintain YOW Meraki Surfskate Trucks

How to Maintain YOW Meraki Surfskate Trucks

The YOW Meraki is one of the best, most versatile surfskate trucks on the market. However, it can be a bit complicated to maintain. Learn how to take apart and maintain your YOW Meraki without breaking it. Watch Me Maintain the YOW Meraki Surfskate Truck on YouTubeYow...

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Slide Surfskates Review: Budget Street Cruiser for Beginners

Slide Surfskates Review: Budget Street Cruiser for Beginners

Considering a Slide surfskate for your quiver? Let's see if I can help you make the decision. Slide is a surfskate brand out of Spain that is very popular in Europe. Unfortunately, Slide is not as well known in the U.S. That’s unfortunate because, in my opinion, Slide...

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Loaded Carver Bolsa Surfskate Review: Better Than a Carver?

Loaded Carver Bolsa Surfskate Review: Better Than a Carver?

The Loaded Carver Bolsa surfskate is a collaboration between Loaded, which makes longboards and Orangatang wheels, and Carver, the original Surfskate brand. Is the Loaded Carver Bolsa better than a Carver complete model, and is it the right surfskate for you?

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Simple Progression Tip for Surfskate Beginners

Simple Progression Tip for Surfskate Beginners

If you're a surfskate beginner trying to learn how to surfskate, this one simple tip will help you learn to surfskate faster than anything. I bought my first surfskate, the Carver Tyler 777 with CX trucks, on October 15, 2020. I started to learn to surfskate just by...

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How Many Surfskate Trucks are There?

How Many Surfskate Trucks are There?

The first surfskate truck, the Carver C7, was invented in 1996. Now there are at least 20 original surfskate trucks and 52 companies selling some version of a surfskate.

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What’s the Best Budget Surfskate that Still Works Great?

What’s the Best Budget Surfskate that Still Works Great?

Finding the best budget surfskate for you is challenging in a market flooded with options. The best surfskates can cost you anywhere from $270 to $429 US. But are there any good budget surfskates that work well without costing you so much? Since October 2020, I've...

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3 Things to Do Before Riding Your Surfskate

3 Things to Do Before Riding Your Surfskate

If you're a surfskate beginner, it's important to learn surfskate maintenance and to start developing a relationship with your surfskate. Use these 3 quick tips to start that process as a surfskate beginner.Surfskate Beginner Maintenance Tips Quick Links  ...

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What are the Best Surfskate Wheels for Any Application?

What are the Best Surfskate Wheels for Any Application?

Finding the best surfskate wheels for you depends on your riding application and preferences. There are many aspects of surfskate wheels to consider that affect how they ride and feel. These include diameter, durometer, contact patch, surface, edge, core placement,...

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Penny High-Line Surfskate Review

Penny High-Line Surfskate Review

Since 1983, Penny has been creating unique skateboards with plastic and fiberglass decks. Now they’ve partnered with Waterborne to create the Penny surfskate with Waterborne surf adapter. But is it good?Bottom Line Up Front The Penny High-Line surfskate with...

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What is a Surf Skateboard, & is Surf Skateboarding for You?

What is a Surf Skateboard, & is Surf Skateboarding for You?

In 1996, Carver skateboards released the first surf skateboard truck, the Carver C7. Now there are dozes of surf skateboard trucks on the market. Read this to find out if you may want to get a surf skateboard for yourself.Greg Falk and Neil Stratton were surfers...

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Start Surfskate Pumping Quickly with this 4-Word Technique

Start Surfskate Pumping Quickly with this 4-Word Technique

Are you a beginner struggling to get your surfskate pumping? Try this four-word technique to start surfskate pumping easily within minutes.I see a lot of surfskate beginners on Instagram and Facebook trying to learn surfskate pumping. And I see a lot of upper body...

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Decathlon Carve 540 Surfskate Review

Decathlon Carve 540 Surfskate Review

At just $129 US, the Decathlon Oxelo Longboard Bird Carve 540 surfskate is the cheapest complete surfskate on the market. But is it worth it?Bottom Line Up Front Although a lot of people like the Decathlon surfskate, I'm not a fan at all. The Decathlon surfskate truck...

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Start Surfskate Pumping in 5 Simple Steps

Start Surfskate Pumping in 5 Simple Steps

Are you a beginner wanting to learn surfskate pumping? Use this surfskate pumping tutorial to get started.If you find this surfskate pumping tutorial helpful, then I invite you to check out my video course, "Surfskating for Non-Surfers." It's a great crash course for...

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Who Makes the Best Surfskate Decks? (Survey Results)

Who Makes the Best Surfskate Decks? (Survey Results)

What are the best surfskate decks on the market? How should surfskate decks be designed? Find out in this survey and video review.Surfskate Deck Survey Results (201 TOTAL RESPONSES) QUESTION: Which surfskate brands do you currently own? (Check all that...

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Is Surfskating Just for Surf Training?

Is Surfskating Just for Surf Training?

Professional surfers around the world use surfskating for surf training. But surfskating is not only for surf training–its for everyone who loves the feel and flow of surfing on land!

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How to Ride a Surfskate

How to Ride a Surfskate

To learn how to ride a surfskate, you have to think differently than conventional skating. Riding a surfskate feels more like surfing than skating. It’s all in the shoulders and hips!

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How Do Surfskate Trucks Work?

How Do Surfskate Trucks Work?

A surfskate gives you the feel of surfing the street. The surfing feel is created by special surfskate trucks. Surfskate trucks have a wider range of motion for quicker, tighter turns.

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What is a Surfskate?

What is a Surfskate?

A surfskate is a skateboard that uses a specially-designed front truck, which gives you the feel of surfing on land. Surfskates are used by surfers for surf training, as well as non-surfers for just cruising the street.

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